Sunday, August 21, 2011

Revision Time

Unit 11 of 'Oui' is a revision unit. Take the time this week to go through all of the lessons on this blog, from the very first right up to what was posted last week, and remind yourself of all of the topics covered so far.


  1. Mr Nelson when are we going on to the next unit on the Oui DVD.

  2. how many units are there on the 'oui' DVD?

  3. "Oui" looks like "Oui" ?
    Anyway i like learning French even though im not there most of the time :\
    Ohwell Mr. Nelson is the best at teaching french I mean like he knows as much as we all do so i think hes doing well!

    Yay Mr Nelson Is The Best At French :D

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. French is fun to learn even though it is a bit hard sometimes (like every language) but it is more fun with Mr Nelson teaching us cause he is an awesome teacher! I'm guessing revision is a exercise just to knock it into our brain, I look foward to hopfully going to France and being able to speak french like the normal French person (and having a cute dog)!

  6. i like learning French even though im not there most of the time :\
    Ohwell Mr. Nelson is the best at teaching french

  7. Leena copy and paste my sentance :P

  8. mr mucsles was here
